Thursday, January 15, 2009

Surf´s Up

Our plan was to leave on the 5:30am bus out of Liberia to get to Nicaragua early, when the alarm went off however, we decided to catch the 8:30am bus :) We made our way to the bus station and there was no 8:30 bus, but one at 9am and they wouldn´t let us buy tickets (and no one spoke english). We weren´t sure if we had to buy tickets on the bus, or if it was sold out. Luckily we were suppose to buy on the bus which saved us paying a "taxi" $20 to drive us to the border... the bus was on $1.50.
The first real ordeal came at the Costa Rica-Nicaragua border. We were dropped off and had to get an "exit" stamp. Then we had to walk with our pack 1KM to the border show our passports to men with large guns and the walk another 1KM to immigration in Nicaragua. It was a complete zoo! We walked around for 30 minutes trying to figure out what to do. Many people wanted to "help" us... but for a fee. Finally we figured out where to go and then decided to negotiate a taxi because we were ready to get to the beach!
We arrived in San Juan Del Sor yesterday at noon and found a bare bones hostel for $8 a night ( We proceeded to the beach for lunch with a view. I found a place with Octopus which I had been craving and had an amazing fresh seafood lunch. Then we did some sun bathing and went to a beach front cantina to watch the sunset over the bay. We didn´t inteed to stay long, but ended up meeting 3 guys from Taos and stayed there until 11:30 sampling the local rums... they were very smooth! At one point the power went out and a local told us that it happens ofter. Apparently the government will black out certain regions to send power elsewhere. The also turn off the water sometimes too! But our hostel has its own well.
Today was a big day... our first adventure, surfing! We paid $20 for a 2 hour long surf lesson and day long surf board rental. We were in a group of 6 with one instructor. It went pretty well, the instructor was really good and the morning waves were perfect for learning. I was able to stand up a few times, but I don´t think it will become one of my hobbys. The afternoon was super crowded and really big waves so I mostly watched. I managed some pretty good wipe outs and got hit in the head with a board, but I didn´t hurt myself. I did break the fin under the surf board and had to pay another $20 to fix it... so I guess was a $40 surf lesson.
Now I am worn out and ready to chill out. We are going to stay here another day and then head to the Isle of Ompetempe. A double Volcano island in Lake Nicaragua!


  1. We need pics, Dude! Would give anything to see you surfing.

  2. Yeah, where are those pics Adam? Glad to know you are having a good time. A little culture shock can go a long way and make us appreciate what we have. Have fun! Mom
